顯示第 1 至 36 項結果,共 124 項
Christie’s Amsterdam:Pictures, Watercolours and Drawings 1 and 2 September 1999
Christie’s South Kensington:Oak, Country Furniture, Folk Art, Works of Art and Sculpture 12 November 2003
Christie’s New York:Old Master Paintings October 7 1993
Christie’s South Kensington:The El Helou Collection 19 May 1999
Christie’s Taiwan:20th Century Chinese Art(Part II)18 April 1999
Christie’s Roma:Arte del XIX Secolo Dipinti e Disegni Antichi 10 e 16 Giugno 2004
Christie’s Important French Furniture Ceramics, Tapestries, and Carpets October 30 and 31 1996
Christie’s London:The Beit Collection of Early Italian Bronzes 7 December 2006
Christie’s Milano:Dipinti e Disegni Antichi e Una Raccolta di Vedute di Milano 28 Maggio 2008
Christie’s New York:The Plaza 15 March 2006
Christie’s London:English and Continental Furniture and Carpets 26 January 2006
Christie’s Paris:Mobilier et Objets D’Art,Céramiques Européennes et Verre 7 Novembre 2007
Christie’s Milano:Importanti Porcellane, Maioliche, Arredi, Oggetti D’Arte,Pendoleria,Snuff Bottles 5 Dicembre 2005
Christie’s London:The Coke Collection from Jenkyn Place October 17th 1996
Christie’s Amsterdam:Old Master Pictures Including Property From Collection of Jacques Goudstikker 14 November 2007
Christie’s London:Old Master and British Pictures 25 April 2008
Christie’s Paris:Exceptionnel Ensemble de Mobilier et Objets D’Art 19 décembre 2007
Christie’s London:Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Action 12 October 2012
Christie’s London:Important Silver 12 June 2007
Christie’s Italy:Dipinti,Acquarelli,Disegni e Sculture del XIX Secolo Dipinti Antichi 27 maggio & 3 giugno 1997
Christie’s London:19th Century Continental Pictures, Watercolours and Drawings 15 March 1996
Christie’s South Kensington:European Furniture, Works of Art, Tapestries and Carpets 24 November 2004
Christie’s South Kensington:Old Master & British Pictures & Old Master Drawings 5 December 2007
Christie’s Amsterdam:Liechtenstein Property from the Collection of the Princely House of Liechtenstein 1 April 2008
Christie’s London:The Legend of Dick Turpin Part I 9 March 2006
Christie’s Amsterdam:European Furniture, Sculpture, Clocks,Carpets and Works of Art Including The Pharmaceutical Collection of The Late Dr. Wittop Koning 20 and 21 December 2006
Christie’s New York:Antiquities 16 June 2006
Christie’s South Kensington:Furniture and Works of Art 6 October 1999
Christie’s New York:19th Century Furniture, Sculpture,Works of Art and Ceramics 25 October 2005
Christie’s New York:Important European Furniture, Works of Art, Ceramics and Carpets 19 October 2007
Christie’s London:19th Century Furniture, Sculpture,Works of Art and Ceramics 19 March 2008
Christie’s London:Furniture and Sculpture Including A Private Collection From Trevor Place, Knightsbridge 26 April 2007
Christie’s South Kensington:Carpets, Decorative Objects and Furniture 9 June 1999
Christie’s South Kensington:Style & Spirit 27 November 2007
Christie’s New York:Property From the Samuel B. and Marion W. Lawrence Collection 29 November 2007
Christie’s New York:Important American Paintings,Drawings and Sculpture 22 May 2003
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